Elizabeth's Blog

I began teaching music lessons in September of 2001, and I have grown so much as a musician and teacher since then. Sharing the joy of music with my students makes my day each and every day!

​My first experience with the teamwork of music was when I joined middle school band.  After tryouts I was the 1st chair clarinet player, and the 2nd chair clarinet player and I were always helping each other out and enjoying the spirit of teamwork and friendly competition.  As I switched to French horn and joined the marching band in 9th grade, the teamwork was even more inspiring.  In our small school of about 400, the marching band was around 200 students strong.  Were they all the best players in the world?  Of course not, but we were constantly building each other up and learning from each other.  I learned many things about leadership in marching band that I carry with me today.

Many times piano players will miss out on the team-building advantages that ensemble playing provides, so I make sure that playing together is a part of lessons with my piano students.  In the past 4 years or so I have made sure to also involve parents and siblings in sharing music together whatever their skill level.  It has made for some very fun lessons and even some very nice performances in recital!

And my general teaching philosophy is a very strong sense that the student, the family and I are a team working together to have the student grow in their love and appreciation of music.  We work to solve problems together and keep things positive.  It makes for a great lesson atmosphere and increases our appreciation of each other as musicians and fellow human beings.​